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Monday, March 31, 2008

SPUDZOOKA on the iPhone?

Unity Technologies announced today that Unity will support development for the iPhone. Probably this means that the ability to build games in iPhone native format will eventually be built right into Unity. Currently it's possible to build games in a variety of formats (including Web player, Mac stand-alone, Mac Dashboard Widget, and PC stand-alone simply by choosing which one you want to build.

There's a lot of hype now, with the iPhone SDK now on the market that mobile gaming is going to take off. It could very well happen, and the Unity game engine is likely to be at the forefront of 3D gaming on the iPhone.

Very cool. Someday you might even be able to play SPUDZOOKA on your phone.

1 comment:

  1. I was thinking about getting an iPhone. Now I'm definitely getting one!
