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Thursday, May 1, 2008

SPUDZOOKA is here!

Yes, at long last, SPUDZOOKA is live and ready to play. You're excitement is intense, I can tell.

I made a few visual enhancements since the beta version, and I fixed a number of bugs, including one irritating one that would randomly cause people's browsers to crash (never a good thing for web-based game).

There's also a web site where you can learn a little about the tools I used to create the game and leave comments letting me know what you think.

Oh, and one more thing: there's a little surprise for people who play all the way through the levels. It was a much-requested feature. I hope you enjoy it. Ok, enough jibber-jabber. Go play SPUDZOOKA!

1 comment:

  1. I haven't been able to function since Tuesday! I just keep checking for Spudzooka!
