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Tuesday, April 22, 2008


It's getting close. I can smell it. I'm putting on the finishing touches now -- well, the last touches before I call it finished. Then there's a little matter of creating a web site for the game to live on.

I'm going camping this weekend, so the big launch will be most likely be sometime early next week. Maybe I'll be ready to do it Tuesday in celebration of the GTA IV release. Plus, games always come out on Tuesday. It's easier for the press that way.

On second thought, while maximizing the amount of press for SPUDZOOKA should certainly be a top priority, I think I'll just release it when it's ready. What is a solo game studio for, after all, if not rebellion?


  1. Not sure if you have implemented the new changes or not but whenever I try to edit the cannon it crashes firefox. Attempted to edit after stage 3 then after stage 1 just to test again. Otherwise looking forward to the finished product :)

  2. I haven't had any problems with the editor crashing Firefox. I'm using

  3. Ok, I tried this at work today, yea yea I know, and it crashed as well, at both places. One has an ATi card the other a bad ass Nvidia. Is there anything I can send/tell you to help, anyone else seeing this issue?

  4. Yeah, I've actually seen it myself. On my mac it does it in Firefox and Safari, but not every time, and on my machine it doesn't actually close down the browser--it just says it will.

    I could never reproduce the problem reliably. Sometimes it seemed like it had to do with the most expensive chamber. But it always seemed to happen when I would edit my cannon and then click to play the next level. Is that when it happens to you, or is it right when the editor tries to load?

  5. We want SPUDZOOKA!

  6. It happens as soon as I click on edit cannon.
