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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Over my head

Hello, I guess. Welcome to the awkward birth of my blog.

As my first baby step, it seems appropriate to explain -- to whomever might be reading -- why I'm here. Only one explanation comes to mind, so I'll go with it: My game needs me.

For the last two years or so, I have been working on an independent (read, "self-funded") PC video game (single-player, story-based RPG). I have everything I need: an epic story; fascinating, heart-breakingly human characters; pages and pages of concept art; a 3D game engine; a stack of programming books, and a lot of spare time. Really, it's all there. I lack only one minor ingredient -- immortality.

Indeed, I have started down a path that seems to have no end (despite being well trod here at the beginning). The reasonable voice in my head (sounding something like Ian McKellan in that soothing Moria scene in The Fellowship of the Ring) tells me to take the next exit and find a more feasible hobby. And yet, the frightening-compelling voice of Sauron tells me in some kind of gibberish that I have to continue -- that the story of my game needs to be told.

There is already quite a lot of discussion out there about game design, narrative, more narrative, and geekdom in general. I'm sure I'll touch on all these things as I go, but I intend this blog to chronicle the development of my indy game, at least until Ian McKellan convinces me otherwise.

So, here I go, tentatively dipping my big toe into the roiling waters of blogdom. I must say though -- despite my trepidation about blogging -- that I do take some small comfort in the fact that I'm already in way over my head.

P.S. -- To give credit where credit is due, the title of my blog is taken from the title of a fantasic Minus the Bear song. The song has nothing to do with video games, but it seemed oddly appropriate nonetheless.

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